1. Minwoo (Boyfriend)

2. Taecyeon (2PM)

3. Chansung (2PM)

4. Nichkhun (2PM)

5. Wooyoung (2PM)

6. Yesung (Super Junior)

7. Donghae (Super Junior)

8. Jonghyun (SHINee)

9. Kai (EXO)

10. Tao (EXO)

I'm so tired so i'm giving up on this and i'm going to bed now xDD

So, my first week as a high schooler was AWESOME! I love my class they are freaking awesome xDD
I don't really know what to say except that it was good and i got to know new good friends and so on^^
And today i went shopping with my dad and he bought me new clothes (lol) and a KNIFE! I'M SO HAPPY! I HAVE WANTED AND BEEN NEEDING A NEW ONE FOR MONTHS!!!!!

ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL?!?!?!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ (open it in a new tab for full size)
So right now i'm talking to my friend Malin on skype^^ Trololololol~ Her head itches :D
And i think i'm going to buy some more kpop albums in October (when i get MONAAAAAYS! lol)
This is what i'm, planning on buying:
Boyfriend Mini Album Vol. 1 - Love Style (Special Edition) + Poster
NU'EST Mini Album Vol. 1 - Action + Poster
Sistar - Loving U (Summer Special Album)
Teen Top Mini Album Vol. 3 - aRtist + Poster
B1A4 - The B1A4 Ignition (Special Edition)
NU'EST Mini Album Vol. 1 - Action + Poster
Sistar - Loving U (Summer Special Album)
Teen Top Mini Album Vol. 3 - aRtist + Poster
B1A4 - The B1A4 Ignition (Special Edition)
Super Junior Vol. 6 - Sexy, Free & Single (Type B)
Block B Mini Album Vol. 2 - Welcome to the BLOCK (Repackage)
Block B Mini Album Vol. 2 - Welcome to the BLOCK (Repackage)
What do you think?^^
See ya till later~ ♥

Ulzzang's! ♥
Annyeong! So i've joined the ulzzang community! And i'm loving it! :D
So i'm going to put up some pictures! :D Fyi ulzzang means "pretty face" so they basically make a living out of their face, become famous etc etc.
p.s this is just some of the ulzzang's i know of.
Yu Ha Min ♥

Park Jiho ♥

Park Tae Jun ♥

Lee Chi Hoon ♥

And tomorrow i start upper secondary school! :D
Super Junior - SPY MUSICVIDEO!!♥
One missed call and Tasty ♥
So i watched some scary movie called One missed call and i didn't know Jang Geun Suk starred in that one so it was a good surprise! Since he's an awesome actor!
But to my disappointment i didn't get scared TT__TT instead i cried at the end TT__TT So beautiful TT__TT
And now im gonna show you some gifs^^ no im not gonna tell you anything about the movie that would a shame^^


That's enough.
See ya!~ ♥
So yeah today i haven't done anything special again xDD LOL
I've been reading fanfics all day~
But them got me depressed so i went to listening to music instead^^
And then Malin, a friend of mine told me that Not over you MV by NU'EST is finally out! And i fucking missed it by 10 hours D:
Either way i read my first Yewon fic today :3 It's so angsty TT__TT *sobbing all over that fic*
And today or tonight i WILL watch a scary movie :D ♥ *le looks forward to it*
I really should start go to bed earlier now though....since i start high school or what the fuck it's called in English the 21st :/ I'm hyped, but at the same time not xDD
I'll try and blog once more before bed but i won't promise anything since i know i might not keep it :S
Here's Not over you!♥
I'm sorry if my plain and normal life is boring you bot it's the end of summer holidays and well....everyone is kind of enjoying the last bit of it xDD The way i do. By not doing anything xDD i bet it'll be more fun once i start high school because i'll think more will be going on around me^^
See ya till later~
Random yes
Soooo i thought that i should at least share some music and so on to make it look like i'm an active blogger! :D HOHOHO
So this is the song i'm currently addicted to! You know me by Tasty! They are a new duo group that just debuted! They're twins with the names Dae Ryong and So Ryong (i think) and they're under woolrctyvuybinoi something entertainment *runs to look at my Infinite poster* Woollim entertainment! :D I feel so accomplished! :D
So, i'm just going to mention 1 song per post otherwise it won't be fun D:
And now i'm going to tell you to watch a Korean Drama called "You're Beautiful" ! Because it's mindblowingly awesome! xDD
You can watch it HERE.
This is what it's about and believe me when i say this, this is freaking awesome. ♥
When you’re a part of a teenage idol group, you’re beautiful and your fans love you. Mi Nam (whose name literally means “handsome”) is such an idol band member. But when he is forced to go to the United States to have some plastic surgery done, his twin sister, Mi Nyu, is asked to step in and pretend to be her brother until his return. The other band members are not informed of the ruse, and Mi Nyu finds herself trying to be just one of the guys of a popular idol band. But can she keep it up?
If you want too, you can check out my fanfic! Lol^^ It's a yaoi fic with Baekren!^.^
Click the ♥ (I'm mad at myself for not coming up with that earlier for my link to the drama -.- And my computer hates my guts so it won't let me get things done quickly so i'll just let it be.)
Okay, since it's like in the middle of the night here in Sweden i'll probably just go to bed now. My computer didn't want to cooperate with me and such so no scary movie TT__TT BUT TOMORROW! (aka today) I'LL WATCH ONE FOR SURE! It's been a long time since i watched a scary movie! I believe it's about 3 weeks now!
Tell me if there's something you want me to write about or anything, or if you want to ask me questions! I'll answer them! :D
See ya, and good night!~ ♥

I'm so used to not having a blog so i don't remember i actually have one now that i need to update! I'm so sorry for that!
So yeah my finger still hurts lol xDD And i cleaned my room! :D YAY! And i have been updating my fanfic too :3 Yayayayayay :D
And i hanged out with Sofia today lol^^ And now im alone again D: But......THEN I CAN TJOCKA I MIG FANFICS! Too bad for you guys if you don't speak Swedish xD Trololol~
Right now i'm listening to BIGBANG - Monster ♥ Just because it's fucking flawless ♥
I think i'm going to edit some pictures for my friends too though. They're going to start a blog and all i they forced me to be their photographer lol xD so yeah, editing pics and fanfics :3 Awesome :3
Well, see ya!~

("Grisen". A place where we go bathing in the summer^.^)
MIANHAE YOU GUYS, MIANHAE FOR NOT BLOGGING /even though you never actually noticed that i was gone)
So yeah, nothing new happened really just me being obsessed with fanfics and Wii xDD I actually played so much Wii that i got an injury xDD LOLOL

So yeah im kind of sad because of that because then i can't really type properly and it hurts so i can't update my fanfic and it's making me sad D:
So umm yeah i haven't actually done anything else so bye! lol
See Ya!~
Tomie Unlimited
Hello guys!
So today i was with Jonny (again) and we we're laughing our asses off omg xD TINGLE
So umm i rea his fanfic (a part of it lol) and it was awesome! OMG
And so i made him agree to make a yaoi Sakamoto twins smut fanfic for my pervy little mind MWAHAHAHA :3
Im looking forward to this shit xD
And we watched a Japanese "horror" movie called Tomie Unlimited xDD We we're dying xD From laughter xDD THAT ZOMBIE THING WAS JUST RETARDED, SO FUCKING RETARDED.
Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay xD
Then i had to powerwalk (bitch please i don't do exercises, it's not good for my health, i might die.) to catch the bus xDD Just when i was like 5 meters away from it it started driving away.....FML. But i swallowed my pride and waved to ..... driver? So he could stop and let me in lol xDD He did, YAY!
And tomorrow im going to hang out with Sandra and we're going to continue our Fic! At my dad's place xDD With my brothers computer xDD I just hope he have a password on his computer xDD Then i'll have the text him xDD And he's in our cottage :3
But before we start writing we'll go buy candy and pocky (since it's so insanely tasty!)
I hope they hav banana + chocolate flavour :3 MY FAVOURITE :D
But for now, i think i'll update my own fic listened to music then go to bed! I've already watched 2 episodes of Playful Kiss aka Mishevious (?) Kiss for today^^ It made me trip xDD
Maybe i'll end up drawing eyes all night lol xDD Things never go as planned for me xD
Long post, but that's my compensation!^^

See ya!~ ♥
Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday! I was hanging out with Jonny all day, playing Super Mario Galaxy 2! xD GEEKS FTW
And then later on i started planning a fanfic with one of my other friends and we actually put it on asianfanfics! Tell me if you wanna know! And noooooooooooooow, im currently writing my own fanfic xDD I've been wanting to write another fanfic but i had like the biggest writers block EVER. But it's slightly gone now so let's go for it! :D
So, i can't really update now either lol! I need to go to bed, but still write atleast a plot and a chapter for my fic xDD
And tomorrow i'll be hanging out with Jonny again and we probably will do some vlogs or something since we got our own youtube channel xDD creepykillerswag <------------- that's us!^__^
Follow if you want, or not. But i prefer that you follow!
See ya!~
Changed plans
Okay, so i ended up drawing eyes intstead of playing Wii xDD But shit happens you know xDD
Now i think it's time for me to say goodnight and go to bed!^^ (And read a bunch of yaoi fanfics because that's what i do, and i'll probably stay up late just because of that, but that's okay because i enjoy yaoi. And tomorrow when i'll wake up i'll have a mark from my phone in my face. But that's okay because i had a good time.)

Goodnight! Sweet dreams! ♥
So im sorry if my blog is quite boring at this moment, but my computer is REALLY slow so i can't exactly put up pictures and that without having to spend 30 minutes on just doing ONE post. So until my computer is fixed, this will kind of be it, but i hope you'll stay with me!
Now, of to play Wii! :D
See ya!~
Music ♥
So right now im listening to music and looking at some pictures^^ I was skyping with Jonny before and making him sweat xDD Lol, that sounds so wrong but im his Seme so it's okay. No, but seriously he's sick and i was trying to make him healthy again so he and i can hang out together tomorrow (as planned) Hopefully, this will work^^
This is what im listening to right now^^ Oh! Sandra wrote to me^^ Nothing you really needed to know but either way^^ So i'll go now and i'll probably put up another post soon^^
See ya!~
Why do i need to put a title?
Okay, so it took about 5 minutes for me to decide that i will be blogging in English xDD MAYBE, just MAYBE i'll do some posts in Swedish. MAYBE.
Sooooooooooooo since no one knows about this blog yet (except for Jonny, my uke) im just randomly blogging for myself xDD At the moment xDD
But please look forward to more posts! I'll try be as active as possible but school is starting 21th of august
Okej, jag vet att jag inte borde, men jag gjorde en ny blogg! xDD
Mianhae for that!
Det kommer att bli vissa inlägg på engelska för mina kompisar från andra länder, jag kanske byter till att blogga HELT på engelska. För att öva på min engelska och självklart för mina vänner^^
See ya!~
Välkommen till min nya blogg!
Mitt första inlägg.