Sorry again~
I feel like a bad blogger lol xDD But i've been busy with school (bad excuse ik but it's true) and now enjoying my fall break.
BUT! I can gladly announce that me and 3 of my friends have now formed a kpop dancecovergroup!!!!!
Sooooo, that means that we will put up dance covers on youtube for you to watch! But we are not professional so don't expect us to be that, we're still learning but please support us! HWAITING~
More information will come later on~
And lately i've been overly obsessed by the mere thought of going blonde, so right now i'm trying to convince my mom~ Pray for me will you?^__^
And yesterday i found an AWESOME site where you can learn korean so i'm currently learning it for reals now!!! HOORAY FOR ME!!!!
And later today i'll try to update my fanfictions and such after helping my mom with the preparations for the party we're going to have on Saturday.

I was bored the other night so i started editing stuff lol~

I am so going to try this sometime!!!

A picture i took the other day^__^

See ya~
