Right now I'm in my history class and i'm almost falling asleep zZzZzZzZzZzZzZz
So, i'm really sorry for not updating this blog for SOOOOOO LOOOOONG
But i've been super busy and then I mean it and I still are so I don't know how active I can be :/
But what's up with all of you?! Lolololol please talk to me, don't be afraid^^
I've been hanging out with friends also such as Ronja^^ She's really nice and she's a great friend!^_^
And I've actually ordered some BB Cream! FINALLY!!! If i'm lucky, i'll get the package today! :D
And i've got a new bed which I will probably, finally, today be able to use! XD
And yesterday I had my weekly streetdance lesson^^ We tried some locking too^^ But I couldn't participate in the end because I was feeling really dizzy.
And tomorrow I shall have a Korean drama marathon with 3 other friends! :) Sofia is one of them^^
And I've been on a kpop meetup! And been the host of one xD
And today is my friend Elin's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIN! I HOPE YOUR DAY WILL BE LOVELY!!!^_^
And on monday it's my birthday! Hihi^^
Here are some random videos!^^
Bye! I need to go now^^